Groups and Societies

Parish Pastoral Council

The Council in its capacity as advisers to the Parish Priest looks to the wellbeing of the Parish and the talent and treasure, both material and spiritual, of which it is composed. It aims to carry out its mission in unity with the Diocese and The Universal Church, to respond to the needs of the Parish and to assist the Parish and all the Groups within it to achieve their pastoral goals.

Folk Group

Our Parish Folk Group has accompanied the Sunday Mass since 1976. The aim of the group is to bring the liturgy alive through music and also to encourage the congregation to join in the music of the Mass. The group meets weekly on a Thursday evening and new members, even with little or no music ability, are most welcome.

St. Vincent de Paul (SVP)

The Society is an international Catholic organisation of lay people. Membership is open to any Christian. The St. Patrick's conference meets weekly for prayer and to establish how it can assist persons known to be in need (the lonely, asylum seekers and refugees). Alleviating poverty is a priority and members do much to ease its problems.

Gift Aid

The Gift Aid scheme enables the Parish to recoup the tax that parishioners will have already paid on all monies they contribute to the Parish, simply by completing a form.

Care for Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults (Safeguarding)

The important task of monitoring and implementing the Archdiocese Child Protection Procedures within the Parish is held by a parishioner appointed by the Parish Priest. This ensures that those working with children meet the legal requirements and fully understand what is required and must be carried out to protect young people and vulnerable adults with whom they are working.

Eucharistic Ministers and Readers

The Priest is assisted at Mass by parishioners who read the Liturgy of the Word and Bidding Prayers and distribute Holy Communion. Holy Communion is also taken to the homes of our sick parishioners who are unable to attend Mass.

Sisters of St. Joseph of Annecy

The Sisters have a house in the Parish. Their mission statement declares that the Sisters of St. Joseph of Annecy live their vocation by witnessing God's unconditional love for the whole of creation, in the simplicity of ordinary human relationships.

The Welcome Group

A friendly greeting to our Church is assured by this group who welcome the members of our congregation to our Church and provide hymn books, Parish newsletters and order of Mass sheets at the weekend Mass.

The John Bosco Hall

Click here for information about the John Bosco Hall.

The Guild of St. Stephen

Membership is open to boys and girls of First Communion age and above (no upper age limit!) who assist the Priest at liturgical celebrations.

The Children's Liturgy Group

The group welcomes children from 6 months to 8 years during Sunday Mass when they are instructed in the day's Liturgy with particular emphasis on the Gospel reading. The children are then welcomed back by the Parish when they join the offertory procession to offer, with great enthusiasm, their handiwork to the Priest. The instruction is supervised by five groups of two or more adults who work to a rota.

The Church Cleaners

We have two teams of dedicated parishioners who help clean the Church - The International Ladies and The Gentlemen. These meet fortnightly - first and third Saturday at 10h00. Amongst the banter and chatter the Church is kept in excellent condition.

The Repository

Located in the Church entrance hall this is open before and after the Saturday evening and Sunday Masses and is run by a team of volunteers working to a rota. Parishioners will find much to interest them including Mass Cards, statues, rosaries, candles, greeting cards.

Our Parish Needs You

The societies and organisations of the Parish are only able to function by the unstinting generosity of the people of St. Patrick's community. 

Please consider supporting our Parish community by prayer, donation or, best of all, joining a group. 

New members are always welcome. If you require any further information please contact the Parish Priest (details below)

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