The Parish

The Parish of St. Patrick's Newport

The area encompassed by St. Patrick's Parish was formerly part of the Parish of St. Mary's, Stow Hill. The expansion of Newport onto the east bank of the River Usk was prompted, in part, by the establishment of a large steel works by John Lysaght Ltd. The workforce included many Catholics from the Wolverhampton area, prompting the establishment of a Parish Mission in 1909 at 442, Corporation Road – now the Columba Club  

The Tin Church

The land on which the present church stands was then purchased and on 13th October 1924 St. Patrick's was established as a separate parish. The first church, a semi-permanent structure of corrugated iron 'The Tin Church', was opened on the Feast of Corpus Christi in 1925, with a presbytery being completed in 1927.

Opening Ceremony of Fete, Gala and Carnival 1925
Church Fete Stallholders - 3rd Sep 1925

The Parish Primary School was opened in 1958 and then in 1963, almost 40 years after the completion of the 'temporary church', the Parish celebrated the opening of the present church dedicated to St. Patrick who was said to have hailed from these parts.

The church today

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